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Jenna Murray

This blog post focuses on a teaching philosophy for students in a public school first grade classroom. It emphasizes the need to develop emotional intelligence within the classroom. While academic knowledge is highly valued throughout our society, emotional intelligence is just as important in leading a successful life.

An educated person is someone who is able to form a valid opinion based on an awareness and viewpoint of what is going on around them, both in society Definition of Emotional Intelligence and in the world. They are committed to learning as a lifelong process, not just inside of the classroom. Because humans are creatures of habit, it is an attitude that one takes upon themselves throughout their everyday behaviors. An educated individual is eager and curious to seek out answers through well-thought out and meaningful questions. Through the various steps of education, they develop an open mind that is flexible and adaptable to other viewpoints and perspectives as well as an ability to problem-solve, not only in the classroom but in everyday life. They highly value opportunities for knowledge, as well as knowledge itself. As educators, it is our responsibility to create this type of learner. My teaching philosophy is that this can be done by emphasizing and developing Daniel Goleman’s definition of emotional intelligence in the classroom.

The four factors of a self-directed learner are a love and enthusiasm for learning, self-confidence in their ability to learn, self-concept as an independent learner, as well as tolerance of ambiguity and risk. They have a need for high self-esteem, a curious mind, a desire to achieve, satisfaction with their accomplishments, and are driven by practical concerns. Rather than just giving students knowledge, we must give them ways to apply themselves using this knowledge they have gained. The most valuable teachers are those who are able to develop independent thinkers. Independent thinkers are educated individuals who have a desire and need to understand something, fed by a set of goals. In order to do this, I think it is extremely important for me as a teacher to diagnose each student’s individual learning needs that allow them to form their own goals. Because humans grow in capacity, it is important for each individual’s learning to be self directed. By allowing a child to influence their own learning, they develop intrinsic motivation to succeed later in life.

While math problems and historical facts are the fundamentals of academic education, I believe the most important factor in creating a well-rounded, educated individual is developing emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman defines emotional intelligence as an ability to perceive, express, understand, and manage emotions. It pertains to emotional understanding, responding to others emotions, emotional regulation, self motivation, as well as emotions in relationships. While it is extremely important to have a plethora of academic knowledge, an individual’s ability to relate to others is what leads to a truly fulfilling life. This social and emotional intelligence is fundamental to education and lifelong learning; it leads to an individual capable of understanding and learning from other perspectives and feelings, but also being able to understand and defend their own.


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